Hello readers! This week, we’re talking protein bars. The protein bar category is MASSIVE and constantly changing. I’m sharing this guide for choosing a protein bar to help you confidently navigate this aisle. And because I know you’re busy, I’ve included six examples of protein bars that check all the boxes.
Lastly, I’m sharing a resource with you - my protein bar comparison chart, to help you compare nutrition facts before you shop.
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How To Choose a Protein Bar
I want to preface this with the disclaimer that protein bars are not superior to whole foods. And in most cases, we don’t NEED protein bars to meet our protein needs. But in reality, most people (myself included) benefit from the convenience of packaged snacks. And since protein bars contain protein and [often] fibre and fat, they're more satiating than granola bars or other grab-and-go options.
With so many bars on the market, comparing labels and ingredient lists can be overwhelming. I’ve reviewed virtually every protein bar on the market and developed this guide to help you sort through the muck. The targets I’ve listed below will support a healthy dietary pattern and are relative to all of the options available in this category1.
Sugar vs. Non-Sugar Sweeteners
In most cases, protein bars will be sweetened with either sugar or a non-sugar sweetener. Whether or not non-sugar sweeteners are a better option than sugar depends on your overall nutrition goals and dietary pattern. While we know that EXCESS added sugar intake can increase our risk of chronic disease, we also know that swapping high-sugar products for products high in non-sugar sweeteners does not help reduce weight or chronic disease risk. Bottomline: our goal is to limit both added sugar and non-sugar sweeteners, but you don’t need to completely avoid either. Tip # 1 and 2 below will help you apply this principle in the protein bar aisle.
Tip #1: added sugar
Choose a bar that contains no added sugar. A bar free from added sugars will not have any sugar ingredients in the ingredient list, such as sugar (of any kind), syrup, honey, molasses, or juice. It’s important to note that even though products are free from added sugar, they can still contain sugar that is naturally occurring in the ingredients (such as dates in the example RXBAR ingredient list below)2.
Choose a bar that contains a low-moderate amount of sugar - less than 8g of sugar per bar. This will help you limit your added sugar intake, in the case that you choose a protein bar with added sugar.
Tip #2: non-sugar sweeteners
If a bar contains non-sugar sweeteners, select a bar with less than two sources of non-sugar sweeteners (see the list of common sweeteners below), and ideally Stevia or Monk Fruit as these are natural sugar alternatives and are generally well tolerated3.
Tip #3: protein amount
Most protein bars will have 10-20g of protein per serving. This range is an appropriate amount for most people as a snack.
Tip #4: fibre content
Selecting a bar with fibre can help increase satiety by slowing digestion. Select a protein bar that is also a source of fibre, with at least 3g per bar.
Ingredient List
Ingredients are complex. Especially when it comes to protein bars. Protein bars by nature are processed and tend to have longer ingredient lists. I’ll be covering ingredients more in-depth in weeks to come, but for now, our goal in the protein bar aisle is to choose a protein bar with better quality, less processed ingredients. Tips #3-5 will help you apply this in the protein bar aisle.
Tip #5: fat source
If a protein bar contains a source of fat (more than 5g per bar) we ideally want most of this fat to come from whole-food sources. Ingredients are listed by weight, so look for nuts, seeds or nut butter in the ingredient list before oils.
Tip #6: carbohydrate source
If a bar contains a source of carbohydrates, ideally most of this comes from minimally processed sources. Look for fruit or whole grains such as oats or brown rice ahead of sugar or refined carbohydrates in the ingredient list.
Tip #7: protein source
Variety is best when it comes to protein sources in your diet. Protein bars can help add variety to your diet by including protein sources you may not otherwise consume regularly. For example, someone who typically consumes animal-based protein may benefit from choosing a plant-based protein bar.
When comparing protein bars, keep in mind that the protein bar you choose will realistically contribute only a small percentage of protein to your total diet. For this reason, the source of protein in your bar doesn’t matter as much assuming you get a variety of protein sources in your diet otherwise. With this in mind, consider the flavour, texture, and overall nutrient profile of the bar to select the option that’s best for your overall needs.
Tip #8: additives
Last but not least, select a protein bar with fewer additives. Since protein bars are a shelf-stable processed food, they will almost always contain additives. For our purpose here, consider an additive to be any ingredient that does not contribute to the nutritional value of a bar. For example, flavours or preservatives.
To be clear, most additives are generally safe to consume, especially in the small amounts typically consumed as part of a healthy dietary pattern. And in the case of protein bars, additives are often necessary to make the product taste good and prevent spoilage. But while some bars contain a long list of additives, there are many great options on the market without. The example below shows an ingredient list with two additives (natural flavours and sunflower lecithin), which I consider as low in additives based on the range of bars on the market.
6 Protein Bars that Check All the Boxes
I get it, you’re busy. So based on my tips above, here are six examples of protein bar brands for you to keep in mind as you shop:
RXBARs contain fewer ultra-processed ingredients compared to other protein bars on the market. They provide 12g of protein from egg whites and unsaturated fats from nuts. They contain 13-17g of sugar per bar from dates and are free from added sugar. You can check out my full RXBAR review here.
IQ Bars are a lower carbohydrate and sugar option made with a blend of nuts and plant-based protein. With 12g of protein per bar, they are free from added sugar and sweetened with stevia.
Simply Protein
Simply protein bars are low in sugar, with 1-2g per bar. Some flavours are free from non-sugar sweeteners, while others contain monk fruit. They are a good source of protein and fibre, with 13 and 7g, respectively. Check out my full Simply Protein bar review for more information.
88 acres
88 Acres protein bars are made from seeds, maple syrup, fruit, and spices. They are free from protein powders and provide a source of protein and healthy fats from pumpkin seeds. They are nut-free and are a great option for those with nut allergies.
Tru bar
TRUBARs are made from a fibre and plant-based protein blend. They contain nuts and are sweetened with sugar. They provide 7-8g of sugar per bar, a moderate amount compared to other sugar-sweetened protein bars available. These are a good option for those who prefer bars free from non-sugar sweeteners.
Aloha Bars
Aloha bars have a balanced macronutrient profile, with 12g of protein from brown rice and pumpkin seeds. They are a source of unsaturated fats from nuts and seeds and are sweetened with monk fruit and less than a teaspoon of sugar. You can check out my full Aloha review here.
Protein Bar Resource
To compare the nutrition facts of protein bars before you shop, check out my Protein Bar Comparison Chart. You can sort protein bars by nutrient, depending on your nutrition priority (ex. low sugar, high fibre, etc.).
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My suggestions here are based on the needs of an average adult, but may not be suitable for individuals with unique nutrient needs and health conditions. Always consult with your healthcare provider for individual recommendations based on your needs.
Recommendations to limit sugar intake are generally geared towards added sugar specifically since sources of added sugar are what contribute most to excess sugar intake.
Sugar alcohols (non-sugar sweeteners that end in -ol) can cause adverse digestive symptoms for some individuals. These are otherwise generally safe. Consume as tolerated.